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TOP 5 BIM Tools & Trends you Should Watch out this Year.

BIM plays a major role in providing crucial project information, And with the increased popularity in recent times these are the top 5 trends and tools for BIM we should watch out for before doing any project using Building Information Modeling.

Top 5 Solidworks 2019 Tips and Tricks

One of most popular software for parametric based 3D modelling in market is SOLIDWORKS. This CAD software has been adapted by more than 1,50,000 companies worldwide. Apart from dominating manufacturing sector, it’s also been used in interior, architectural and medicine industries to name a few.

SOLIDWORKS provides a wide platform for solid modeling, as well as for surface modeling both controlled parametrically.
There are many ways to work on a software but if we find the right tool we can explore the software even better. So here are some interesting handful tools & techniques you can explore now while working on SOLIDWORKS.

Learn BIM Optimization and its Sustainable Structures

BIM has the power to change all of this when optimized for today’s sustainable construction. The AEC now realizes how vital BIM for sustainable building design. The AEC also recognizes how badly needed such a powerful tool is and can be. Assisting in this global issue, the aims of BIM are leaning more toward sustainable building design. The future of building information modeling is taking many steps to solve these issues.

Why SOLIDWORKS is best for Solid 3D Modelling?

SOLIDWORKS is a parametric based 3D modelling CAD software and is been adapted by more than 1,50,000 companies worldwide. Apart from dominating manufacturing sector, This 3D Modelling software also been used in interior, architectural and medicine industries to name a...

How Upcoming Infrastructure Projects can Revolutionalize BIM in India?

Countries, whether developed or developing, are seeing the long-lasting value in BIM technology. Though there is still progress that needs to be made and barriers that need to be lifted, with its adoption, future indications are promising for BIM technology in India’s Construction Industry.

What is Scan to BIM Services or Point Cloud to BIM ?

Scan-to-BIM (popularly known as Point Cloud to BIM) referred to the process of 3D laser scanning a physical space or site, to create an accurate digital point cloud of the structure and using scans BEM software, bridge the gap between a separate digital point cloud and one that can be used inside the Autodesk Revit platform. That representation can then be used for designing, assessing progress or evaluation options.  Scan-to-BIM is a technology that came as a breakthrough in the construction industries as it is accelerating rapidly as it provides a faster, captures dimensions, volume quickly, efficiently, a highly detailed and accurate structural profile for capturing survey data critical for refurbishment or retro-fitting existing projects.